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Retail Release

THE ADVENTURES OF DOC HOLLIDAY HENNINGS By TK Bethea Emily Mullen 347-705-3294 [email protected]         Family is a powerful bond, but one that goes beyond our genetics. THE ADVENTURES OF DOC HOLLIDAY HENNINGS–now available on–was...

Case of the Missing Necklace – Part 3

Paw to floor, paw to floor, paw to floor, paw to floor. Darling, the vibrant young pup, galloped through the streets with determination. Paw to floor…Paw…to the floor…a slower paced but just as ambitious squirrel tries to keep up. “Slow down,...

Case of the Missing Necklace – Part 2

As Darling lead Penelope to retrace her activities of the day, her nails sharp, her fur so shiny it almost mirrored her surroundings and curls that would make a gymnastic ribbon blowing in the wind jealous, hides the frantic and worried inner feelings of the...

Book Review

Doc’s story reads smoothly hitting all the right notes like a well-scripted film.
– Daniel Casey, author and book reviewer

Case of the Missing Necklace – Part 1

On a lovely sunny day, no breeze…just sunshine. A rainbow lingers in the distance as the only evidence of the morning’s prior shower. Perfect for an old squirrel to lay outside the tree hole entrance of her home in an improvised hammock. Silence. Not a...